Dutch Indies Video

 Huib J. Lirb • Videographer, Documentary Filmmaker & Digital Storyteller

Dutch Indies conceive, plan, produce, shoot, edit and finish videos. We accomplish this either in close collaboration with specialist colleagues or simply by ourselves, depending, obviously, on the complexity and scale of the project at hand. In a wider sense we also perform as digital storytellers, whenever this is required, as when our work is embedded into more complex narratives which run across any combination of media (i.e. video, photography, music, the spoken and the written word). Our past work has been delivered to viewers through a variety of "channels" or media, including television, DVD, CD-Rom, tape, beamer-screens and the internet.


Dutch Indies are Huib J. Lirb, Feliz Coll and "their merry band of mercenaries". We draw on the talents and skills of a flexible group of accomplished video professionals, our fellow "indies", a range of friends and colleagues who share a wide experience in television, business-to-business and business-to-consumer communications, event videos and commercials. We can make a big noise or a gentle whisper. Whatever fits the occasion.


Scyfer Team Presentation Video.


Scyfer B.V. is a spin-off from the University of Amsterdam that applies cutting edge machine learning and predictive analytics techniques developed by the scientific community. Scyfer is specialized in Deep Neural Networks and has developed a Deep Neural Network toolkit. Our predictive models are used by companies to gain competitive advantage, find opportunities and reduce waste.


This video constitutes a brief presentation of the team by general manager and co-founder of Scyfer, Jörgen Sandig.

This production is co-funded by FICHe program, the Future Internet Challenge eHealth.


Teaser. These images were shot "ad lib" in Venice in 2012. It however turned out to be an unintentional preview of professional work (both video and audio) which I would subsequently do in October 2014, for a forthcoming music special on the Venetian-born artist Giada Valenti, with Jim Masters. I will have occasion to publish more on that project after the first airings of the actual show by PBS.

The music is my own, except of course for the soundbite of the gondola singer as part of the "setnoise" which has been mixed in.


An example of our work at Dutch Indies Video. This film is part of a projected series called "Celebrating 400 Years of the Amsterdam Canal Rings District, Unesco World Heritage Site". It was shown repeatedly at the 3rd International Elm Conference, "The elms after 100 years of Dutch elm disease", which was held in Florence, Italy, October 9-11th 2013, at the initiative of representatives of the Physical Planning Department (Dienst Ruimtelijke Ordening) of the City of Amsterdam.


A brief introduction to the Water Defence Line of Amsterdam, a UNESCO World Heritage monument since 1996. Imagery by Huib J. Lirb and John Twigt. Storyline and montage: Huib J. Lirb. Producer: Feliz Coll. ©2009 Museion




"Birth" - an excerpt from the 2016 dance film "Alienation" by John Twigt (with Asuka Watanabe and Karel Boehlee). My contribution: grip (rails, jib), rotoscoping (though not in this fragment) and second camera.



*) The name "Dutch Indies"originally referred to a modest network of independent videomakers ("indies") from which I drew my team-mates in accordance to the requirements of any job. Today, I tend to work alone and on occasion also with my wife. For more information on the projects I have co-produced in my former partnership with John Twigt, see www.museion.nl • For my contributions in service of other, i.e. third-party, production teams, see, especially, www.workstation.nl, www.yardmen.nl, www.dijkwerk.nl • For the Foundation of Oral History in the Netherlands, Stichting Mondelinge Geschiedenis Nederland,which I co-founded and preside, see www.smgn.org. For my personal weblog, finally, please refer to www.lirb.nl.

KvK Eenmanszaak Dutch Indies / Luepp: 34235240 • Postadres: Roeselarestraat 13 1066SW Amsterdam • Contact: hjlirb@dutchindies.com of +31(0)621527915

General Conditions (in Dutch) can be found here